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Our Certifications

Forest Extracted

All of our products marked with this logo were produced using plants/ herbs gathered in natural conditions of their growth. This method of gathering plants/ herbs is called Forest Extracting.

The uniqueness of these plants/ herbs lies in the fact that they do not contain any harmful substances as they have grown uncultivated, in natural conditions of their growth, without any sort of outer stimulation.

Our Certifications


100% Chemical Free

All of the Impression products marked with this logo were produced without the use of any chemicals or any kind of synthetic ingredients; only naturally obtained/ wild-Extracted and eco-friendly components have been used in the manufacturing process


Quality Certificates

GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)

A GMP is a system for ensuring that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards. GMP covers all aspects of production from the starting materials, premises and equipment to the training and personal hygiene of staff.

This certification helps us to make sure that every unit of our hair colour is of the same quality as the units of hair colour tested in our in house lab.

Quality Certificates


Shiram Institute for Industrial Research

Almost all Impression products fulfil the strict testing criteria of Shriram Institute (one of the leading research and testing organizations in the world) for 100% natural and chemical free products.

Shriram Institute is an independent, not-for-profit, self supporting research organization. You can find out more about the Shriram Institute on the internet at


ISO Certification

We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified company
ISO Certification

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Impression Cosmetics